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Developer Documentation

System Architecture

Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain

  • Modular design for flexible blockchain solutions.
  • Stores votes as secure transactions.

Backend Application

  • Ensures anonymity and prevents double voting.
  • Chi: Golang HTTP server for providing REST APIs for database and Lirisi functions.
  • TypeScript, JavaScript, Golang: Languages used for chaincode (smart contracts) development within Hyperledger Fabric.
  • Docker: Containerization for Hyperledger Fabric and Fablo, ensuring consistent environments.
  • Shell Scripts: Automation tasks within Hyperledger Fabric and Fablo.
  • Linkable Ring Signatures.

Frontend Application

  • Interface for voters and authorities.
  • Next.js: Used to build server-side rendered, user-friendly web applications
  • Tailwind CSS: Styling & Design
  • D3.js: A powerful JavaScript library for creating interactive data visualizations. Used by the Central Authority to graphically display election results and statistics.
  • Recharts: A library built on top of D3.js, offering components specifically for creating pie charts and other data visualizations, further enhancing the Central Authority's data analysis capabilities.
  • TypeScript, HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Used to create dynamic, secure, and interactive applications with strong typing and modern web development practices.

Development Tools

  • IDEs: Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.
  • Version Control: GitHub.

System Features

  • Voter Authentication: Secure login system.
  • Vote Casting: Anonymity with LRS and Idemix, votes stored as transactions.
  • Vote Verification: LRS verifies vote authenticity.
  • Result Tallying: Automated result processing.

Testing and Quality Assurance

  • Cross-browser testing for frontend.
  • Testing of scalability and latency.
  • Playwright: An end-to-end testing tool for browsers that automates user interactions, ensuring the frontend's functionality and UI work as expected across different browsers.
  • Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge: The frontend is tested on all major web browsers to guarantee consistent functionality and UI rendering across different platforms.

Deployment and Maintenance

  • DigitalOcean for Backend/Database and Blockchain.
  • Vercel for Frontend.