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Meeting Minutes 1 - 7th October 2023

Meeting Minutes 1

Reporter: Raizel

Date: 7th October 2023, 5:00 PM

Venue: SIM


  • Benedict Ong Jin Poh
  • Elroy Chua Ming Xuan
  • Gonzales Raizel Vera Marie Ladroma
  • Muhammad Baraq Bin Kamsani
  • Muhammad Hidayat Bin Salaman

Objective: Discussion about user stories that are created and start with creation of required diagrams and creation of the website.


  • Team introduction and assigning basic roles to individuals.
  • Setting up of project logistics.
  • To receive supervisor’s email regarding project requirements.


The meeting began with introductions from all team members. We then discussed the project logistics, including the timeline, deliverables, and communication channels. Finally, we reviewed the supervisor's requirements for the project.

Action Items:

Action ItemAssignee(s)
Preliminary ResearchEveryone
Create Meeting MinutesRaizel
Create Telegram groupBenedict
Create Microsoft TeamsBaraq
Create GitHub repositoryBaraq
Submit research to supervisorBaraq


  • The next meeting will be on the 12th October 2023, 7:30 PM