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Meeting Minutes 19 - 20th January 2024

Meeting Minutes 19

Reporter: Benedict

Date: 20th January 2023, 9:00 PM

Venue: Discord


  • Benedict Ong Jin Poh
  • Elroy Chua Ming Xuan
  • Gonzales Raizel Vera Marie Ladroma
  • Muhammad Baraq Bin Kamsani
  • Muhammad Hidayat Bin Salaman

Objective: Update on SentinelVote progress


  • Share progress done on SentinelVote
  • Demo application flow for frontend, backend and blockchain


  • Helios page for data visualisation by admin created on frontend
  • Database ported from frontend to backend successfully
  • Optimized the flow for creating folded keys
  • Group went through the flow for frontend, backend and blockchain to under-stand what each component does
  • Group went through Playwright testing

Action Items:

Action ItemAssignee(s)
Update documentation and diagrams based on changesEveryone


  • The next meeting will be on the 24th January 2024, 10:00 PM