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Meeting Minutes 16 - 29th December 2023

Meeting Minutes 16

Reporter: Raizel

Date: 29th December 2023, 9:00 PM

Venue: Discord


  • Benedict Ong Jin Poh
  • Elroy Chua Ming Xuan
  • Gonzales Raizel Vera Marie Ladroma
  • Muhammad Baraq Bin Kamsani
  • Muhammad Hidayat Bin Salaman

Objective: Discuss the different testing tools and framework to use


  • Share various test automation frameworks
  • Decide which framework to use
  • Come up with preliminary test cases


  • Group introduced various frameworks such as Selenium, Jest, Puppeteer and Playwright
  • Group shared demo of Puppeteer and Playwright and its various use cases
  • Group decided to use Playwright for end-to-end testing of SentinelVote
  • E2E testing will cover voting process from login to casting of vote
  • Stress testing can also be done by running multiple instances of Playwright at the same time

Action Items:

Action ItemAssignee(s)


  • The next meeting will be on the 5th January 2024, 7:00 PM