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Meeting Minutes 2 - 12th October 2023

Meeting Minutes 2

Reporter: Baraq

Date: 12th October 2023, 7:30 PM

Venue: Zoom


  • Benedict Ong Jin Poh
  • Elroy Chua Ming Xuan
  • Gonzales Raizel Vera Marie Ladroma
  • Muhammad Baraq Bin Kamsani
  • Muhammad Hidayat Bin Salaman
  • Mr. Tian Sion Hui (Supervisor)

Objective: Discussion about project details and requirements with supervisor.


  • Introduction with project supervisor.
  • Discuss project’s requirements and timeline.
  • Discuss project ideas and suggestions.
  • To receive supervisor’s email regarding project requirements.


  • Project has a lot of ambiguity, which is a double-edged sword.
  • Can change languages and tools during the process of the project.
  • Changes in tools or minor changes shows deeper understanding of project.
  • Radical changes in the direction of the project are not good.
  • There have been no implementations of RingCT in e-voting.
  • Submission of initial project plan to supervisor next Sunday, 22 October, refer to project proposal.
  • Supervisor suggests exploring e-voting implementation.

Action Items:

Action ItemAssignee(s)
Preliminary ResearchEveryone
Ideas for projectEveryone
Project proposalEveryone


  • The next meeting will be on the 19th October 2023, 11:00 AM